February 6, 2012

February days

Both girls had a cold this week.  Cara missed both days of school which made for a long house bound week.  We did have some nice weather though so we got out for a nice walk and enjoyed the spring-like temps.  This has been the best winter we've ever had in Calgary (see the yard - no snow!) and with the groundhogs' predictions we are never going to get much winter this year- yay!
Gwen and the morning sun.
Cara practicing some patience while Mummy plays with the camera.  
We call this "Silhouette of a 3 year old with crazy hair".
Gwen wants to be potty trained before she is 18 months old.  This girl has goals.
**and she'll be so happy that Mummy put this on the internet**
Madame Butterfly
We missed dance class this week to go to Cassidy's birthday party.  They had a face painter and made balloon flowers for the kids.  Cara and Gwen (who did not get painted) had a great time.
Madame Butterfly going to bed.
The paint lasted pretty good and once it was washed off Cara exclaimed "I miss my butterfly!!"


  1. sweet photos. love the butterfly - and the naked bambino on the toilette :)
    XO XO XO
    Aunt Sarah, James & Connor

  2. I am glad to see the double toilet seat is helpful! Gwen will eventually forgive you. February Days are special. The Silhouette photo is very artistic! Good thing you have that new camera! -- Grampy
