February 27, 2012


Cara and Gwen having some laughs!
At groceries this week Cara thought that sardines would be a good treat.  She had heard in a book that penguins like sardines and she wanted to try them (is this kid weird or what!?!).  So she chose some sardines in tomato sauce and we brought them home.
Gwen thought "WHAT is that smell?!?!"
Cara loved her sardine sandwich.  She opened it up to eat all the fish first!  This might become a weekly "treat".
Cara's hair had grown long into her eyes again so this time Mommy thought she'd try trimming Cara's bangs. Cara was very good and stayed very still.
Gwen watched with wonder...wondering when it will be her turn.
Gwen  is saying a lot of words now - we'll try to get a video this week.  Her favourite words are: "Melmo" (for Elmo), "cheese", "mama", "dada", "nite nite", "bye bye", "baa", "moo", "sure" and something that sounds like "thanks"!


  1. Sardines are delicious! Penguins love them! It's good to know that Gwen is picking up a vocabulary. "Hair cut" will be one of her first words! -- Thanks! Grampy

  2. Sardines are good. The ones in oil or mustard are tasty, if memory serves me. And always on toast! Haven't had them in years, maybe the next time you're all in NB we'll have a feast ;)
    xoxo to you all,
