February 13, 2012

February fevers

Cara took her camera to school for 'show and tell' on Tuesday.  The subject of the s&t was something that starts with 'C'.  The teacher got her to take a couple of pictures of the kids.  
One of these kids gave us a germ...Cara and Mummy both had fevers and had Strep throat by the end of the week!  Now we are on meds and starting to feel better.  But the lesson here is that all these cute little faces are just breeding grounds for disease!
We get a few little rainbows in the living room every day and Cara likes to catch them.  
And EAT them!
Gwen has avoided getting sick (thankfully!) but she is enjoying the spoils of having a sick sister...ice cream!
And popsicles!
And lots of cartoons and movies!
We are looking forward to not being sick and maybe it will last a whole week and we can get out of the house!!!


  1. Germy kids at school suck. Sorry they shared. Boo. Feel better Mary & Cara.
    XO Sarah

  2. As one gets rainbows... the other gets ice cream (and Popsicles!)... no contest! Gwen has figured it out! I hope Lady and the Tramp was well received! (Making) Memories... ice cream... Popsicles... who takes notice of being sick? Thanks for the photos. -- Grampy
