April 10, 2012

Easter 2012

We started our Easter weekend with a trip to Costco where we picked up a two pack of the cutest kids in Calgary! (maybe even Canada!)
Daddy and Cara got to do some egg dyeing.
 Saturday night Cara got a snack ready for the Easter Bunny: one carrot, one radish, cucumber slices and 2 pickles.  She informed us that bunnies really love pickles.  And the next morning when the pickles had been eaten she said "see, I told you he likes pickles!".
Gwen was looking at the nice snack Cara made...
and helped herself to a cucumber slice!  
Easter morning's Egg Hunt outside.  It might have been a bit too cold.
Cara was so cold she couldn't pick up any eggs and Gwen just wanted to go for a walk!
Gwen did enjoy checking out the contents of the eggs though.
It was a nice sunny day so after breakfast we went to a park.
Cara on the teeter totter.
Family portrait #1.
Gwen and the Cottonwood trees.
Cara - wishing she was back at the playground.
Family portrait #2 - with a crane!
 The Easter Bunny brought us an awesome bubble machine that has a fan and blows 800 bubbles in 60 seconds!  It is a lot of fun!  Cara tries to blow them and catch them at the same time!
Gwen and the bubbles!

Happy Easter everyone!


  1. These were on FaceBook but the photos are better here -- a better size to copy to my Cara and Gwen Directories! I am glad that you found a good deal at Costco! Thanks for the Easter 2012 photojournalism! -- Grampy
    PS In 2 months' time I'll be visiting and taking my own photos!

  2. By all accounts, the bunny did a good job in Calgary.
    XO Aunt Sarah
