April 2, 2012

Gwen's First Stomach Bug

Gwen was sick all week so we didn't do very much and didn't take pictures of poor sick Gwen.  She got sick on Monday, we said goodbye to Uncle Jamie on Tuesday and she was throwing up and not eating for days.  She went to the doctor on Thursday just to make sure it was just a stomach flu and that's all it was.  She started to feel better on Saturday and by Sunday was practically back to her usual happy self.  It was a sad week since she was so lethargic and not herself.  But our WonderWoman bounced back!
Back to eating supper again!
Cara had a good week.  She had her picture day at preschool so we'll see the picture in a week or two.  Daddy took the afternoons off on school days so that he could stay with Gwen and Cara didn't have to miss school.  She was a very good big sister for sick Gwen - she kept saying "poor Gweny Pie" and giving her hugs and kisses.  Luckily no one else caught the bug!
Now we are looking forward to Easter weekend and some fun Spring adventures!


  1. Poor Gweny Pie... she is such a little trooper! Now that she is better she will be a great help to Cara when they go out Easter Egg hunting at the end of the week. -- Grampy

  2. Glad everyone is back to their old selves! Hippity Hoppity Easter's on it's way!! Have fun this weekend. :)
    XOXO Sarah
