November 19, 2012

***A Break In The Regular Schedule***

Wednesday of our trip we went to the San Diego Zoo with Aunt Jill!

It was awesome!  Took over 700 pictures on this day.  So getting them ready is taking awhile - sorry for the delay in posting!
Also, the girls have the stomach flu so it makes getting a post ready nearly impossible.  Lots still to come though - the zoo, the safari park and of course Gwen's Birthday!  Then we'll get caught up on regular weekly posts.

Full zoo post will be up once the puking stops!  Hopefully tomorrow!


  1. The stomach flu! That's not good. I will keep checking back to see when you all are better and the Blog is updated. I am enjoying the vicarious tour of southern California with teh Byrne girls... Grampy

  2. We can wait until the puking stops. Hopefully, it's already stopped....:)

    XO Sarah
