July 30, 2012

July Birthday Fun

We'll start with a pic of the girls eyeing Daddy's birthday ice cream cake from last week.
"How can a cake be ice cream?"
The girls' gift to Daddy was a desperately needed new computer.  Daddy ordered the parts this week and on the weekend the girls (and some little people) helped put it all together.
 Cara with her Olympic torch getting ready for the opening ceremonies!
Saturday we went to Sidney's first birthday party.  Gwen and Sidney are getting to be good friends just like their big sisters!
Cara, Leah, Gwen and the other kids had no problem helping Sidney open her presents.
Gwen enjoyed the cupcakes - she even said "cupcake"!
She's starting to say new words all the time now.


  1. M-m-m-m... cupcakes! Now that's a cake (well a cupCAKE) Can Ice Cream make a cake? Only if it's a surprise BIRTHDAY cake! I bet it was delicious once the girls suspended all that they had come to know about CAKEs! I am glad - and not at all surprised - that the girls were able to help assemble Daddy's new computer! Thanks for the share! -- Grampy

  2. Looks like a fun week. I wish Connor were more interested in the Olympics...but alas he is not. Oh well, in 2 years it will be the winter games and maybe he'll care then ;)
    xo Aunt Sarah
