August 8, 2012

Heritage Day Weekend

Gwen can hardly believe that it is Wednesday already!
Sorry for the late post - we had a great long weekend even though Mummy had bronchitis.
Between meals Gwen likes to eat pretend food.
Cara introduced Gwen to Playdoh this week.  Cara's first instruction was "don't eat it!".
Gwen ate it.
Freya and her parents came over for a BBQ.
The girls have a great time playing together!
On "Heritage Day" we went to Calaway Park.
Cara braved her rollercoaster again.
Gwen enjoyed some rides with Daddy while Cara did her big girl rides.
And they did some rides together.
It was about 32 degrees at the park.  We were so hot!  The kids had a great time they don't mind the heat too much.


  1. happy long weekend week. :)
    XO Sarah

  2. Thanks for sharing..Nana is really happy to see these pics. Glad you are all having a wonderful summer.

  3. Sour Pudding? Yikes! What a face! Glad you all celebrated New Brunswick Day with such enthusiasm! -- Grampy
